Why do you think everything around us is filled with girls in their underwear with sexy smiles ? Because it sells.
Guys with muscular bodies, girls with hot bodies... that`s what commercial companies use to brainwash us into believing that somehow... if we have those items, we will be connected to the subject in picture.
Will we gain abs ? will we gain a super hot girlfriend ?
Not at all.
This shit is just evil. Besides, kids growing up will look up to their role models who behave like whores or pimps and want to became like them. They will want to wear clothes wore by gangsters, rappers, etc...
Our culture is really unfocused... our priorities are messed up. Sex is fine, as long as it is under control.
Having sex pumped into our brains 24/7 has a great potential to harm children's future and even our own life's.
What do you think a Pedophile thinks about when he sees a huge 30 foot poster of a girl in her swimsuit ?
He is NOT thinking about the brand she is selling...
Anyways, here is some more sex for your pleasure. Hope your brains get pumped enough :3
(Does this make you want to drink more coke ?)
Sex would have to sell, seeing as it's appealing to our most primal needs.
I'm still waiting for my other pictures :\
Check your PM and uh... e-mail...
Tried sending you the pics to all your e-mails... nothing works. Ask Cema if he can send them to you.